Tuesday, September 20, 2011

31 Million U.S. Kids Live in Poverty Today As Racial Inequality Deepens


       Currently, in the United States, approximately one out of every five children are living in poverty. As this is a national average, statistically, these numbers tend to grow far worse based on race. Reports show that poverty among children grows within the Latino community and shows the worst poverty levels in the Black American community.

Understanding the Impact of Poverty


(Though this image does not directly relate to the article, I did find it appropriate in addressing the recession causing poverty throughout the nation)

Currently one in seven Americans is collecting food stamps giving an estimated total of about 45 million across the nation. 25 million are suffering from unemployment though, this is a projected number so it is safe to assume that the number of unemployed Americans is much higher. With the debt ceiling having been recently increases business continues to threaten the middle and lower classes. Part time jobs are growing far more common than full time jobs if one can even find work in today's economy. Government agencies project potential pay cuts, retirement and social security are both being severely damaged or projected to suffer major cuts in the coming years and the cost of living is more difficult to meet when middle and lower class wages simply do not provide enough.

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