Tuesday, October 25, 2011

EC: Peace Presentation

       A couple weeks ago, I was given the opportunity to attend a peace presentation at NEIU, Chicago. The presentation was headed by founder of Food not Bombs, Keith McHenry. McHenry gave a detailed presentation on what Food not Bombs does, where they operate and they injustices they both face and have to deal with throughout day to day life. Mr. McHenry discussed how Food not Bombs began as a small local organization to feed the homeless and dedicated to the idea that we should be addressing the poverty and hunger issue in the United States before concerning ourselves with even more weapons development. The organization quickly grew and became a target of local law enforcement and was accused countless times for breaking local laws by serving food without permits. As the organization grew, so did the attentions of law officials. As the organization went international, Food not Bombs became a target of the FBI and even the CIA as a wanted terrorist organization accused of spreading radical ideas.
       It was very clear that Food not Bombs is a peaceful organization simply and quite clearly dedicated to feeding the hungry and attacking poverty. The organization has 1000s of chapters that spring up and disappear world wide, dedicated to the cause if needed at that time. The organization itself does not have a solid structure which is a good thing in that it allows chapters to spring up almost completely independently. Food not Bombs continues its work throughout the world in assisting the hungry and poor where ever they are.

Food not Bombs Logo

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